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Up-To-Date With The Ever-Changing

SEO Space


We're dedicated to results. Constantly watching Google's results and outputs, changing our strategies to fit with what works best, giving you the upper-hand when it comes to SEO strategy. 

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May 27, 2024: The First Time In HISTORY - Google Accidentally Released Their Real Algorithm

If you care about SEO, there's usually a new "golden nugget" every few months that you can implement into your SEO practices that will increase your ranking above your competition.

But, this particular nugget is not like other nuggets.

Since the beginning of Google's search engine, they've never released what actually ranked your website high or low.

Instead, they created documentation with recommendations, and if you were enough of an SEO enthusiast -  you would have done your own work & research to only come up with assumptions about Google not being so truthful in their documents about how to rank.


What We Learned From The 14,014 "Ranking Features" Leak

Brand SignificanceBuilding a notable and well-recognized brand is emphasized as crucial for improving organic search rankings. The documents suggest that a strong brand signals to Google that the content is trustworthy and deserving of higher rankings. This means creating and sticking to a branding package WILL increase your rankings on Google. 

Content OriginalityOriginal content also gets scored based on its uniqueness.

Link Clicks - Google measures metrics like goodClicks, badClicks, and lastLongestClicks—to determine content quality and user experience.

Google Stores 20 Versions of Your Site - This would explain why major changes to your website take so much time to lead towards results. 

Keyword Stuffing Score - We've seen a lot of SEO companies "stuff" keywords into their articles, almost making the article unreadable as they keep using the same exact word in every sentence. Thankfully, Google has a "keyword stuffing score", we just wish that was public information from the beginning so that we didn't have to suffer through reading keyword stuffed articles!

 & More - There's so much to learn and act on with the actual data. We aren't sure how much longer that information will be on the internet before Google starts taking action on sites that have the leaked data, but it's ok ... because we downloaded it.

For years we've scoured online forums, created our own tests, collaborated with other teams, and more just to have a leg-up against our competition in the SEO world for our clients. 

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SEO Audit & Action Plan

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This could take up to 3 business days as we don't outsource or use automatons for our action plans. We believe that a human expert eye should determine these plans.

Complimentary SEO Audit


The Imperium Advantage

Web design, digital marketing, and workflow automation

Completely Custom-Tailored
Your business and the way you run your business is different, and so should your marketing campaigns.

The Difference

Your business may be in the same category as others but your business is completely different, and your advertising should be as well.


Add-on services, no pre-built packages, custom fit to your needs.

Unique Approach

We do not cut and paste for our custom tailored campaigns, you will have something completely unique that your competition will not.
Full-Stack Campaigns
Your business and the way you run your business is different, and so should your marketing campaigns.
Marketing Coordinator Friendly
The co-founder spent most of his career as a marketing coordinator and understands the unique relationship frustrations between coordinators and agencies. We will not overstep our boundaries and reach out to the CEO to upsell on more products or services, because we know how that feels ourselves .
Analytic Parsing
Easy to read and understand, no "fluff" metrics. We relieve you of procuring the analytics with our expertise. Clear concise reports can be provided bi-weekly or monthly to effectively analyze your campaign progress. If a part of the funnel is not working - it will clearly and honestly be addressed in the report and of course it will be our main focus to identify and remediate the funnel leak.
No Clickbait, No Bad Leads Policy
Most ad companies will run ads for "clicks" and not report on the leads or customers created from leads. Our main metric is "Customers", or recurring customers. If your current CRM has the capabilities that will allow us to track if our leads convert to customers we will set that up. If you are searching for a CRM that has those capabilities we also implement & manage CRMs such as, Salesforce, Hubspot & more. Our main metric allows us to be more "Qualified lead driven" than our competition
No Contract!
We believe that a business relationship is like a real relationship - if you want to leave within the first few months - you should be allowed to leave. Our model is not based on trapping customers.
Advanced Campaigns
We have the ability to create digital marketing campaigns at any level. Whether your business needs a simple converting Google ad or a multifaceted omni-channel evergreen campaign - we can do the job. But, we do prefer a challenge.
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What we do for you

More than just Search Engine Optimization

Increase Customers From Online Sources

Your online marketing is unique. Depending on the product or service you are selling - we will find the right strategy to increase CUSTOMERS. Not cold leads, link clicks or impressions.

Increase Your Appearance Online

76% of consumers look at Online Presence before physically visiting a business. Dependency on smart devices is rising, increasing the need for businesses to optimize their online presence. SOURCE -

CRM Creation, Management & Upkeep

We are your one-stop-shop for Customer Relations Management systems. We are proficient in all major CRMs such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Keap, Infusionsoft, Zoho, and more.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Decrease the time your team executes processes that our automations can handle while remediating user-error. Whether it's complicated PDFs that take precious time away from your teams time or simple automatic email & SMS campaigns - we can help